Thursday, November 1, 2012

Disaster Girl

You are a reporter who was called to the scene of this crime. You spoke with this girl and she told you exactly what happened and why. What did she tell you?!


  1. Breaking news, disaster fire takes place in, Green Lake Wi harming a family. Now let's go to the interview part. "hello little girl, what do you think of the fire?" "well, I'm going to kill it with fire." news reporter, "thank you for the interview little girl."

    Ok, this is what really happened..... The little girl was trick or treating and she got water. The little girl decided to give something back...... A match, and gasoline. She wanted to kill it with fire, and kill it before it lays eggs.

  2. Well, someone told this little girl, when life give you lemons, don't Accept! Yell I don't want your dang lemons! Invent combustible lemons! Then go burn life's house down! And that is exactly what she did... She made those combustible lemons and she taught life a valuable lesson. Lemons can be sour. This girl has demonstrated her power and life will not hold her back! I hope she burns down all the houses that are in her way. Lemons supplied by Aperture Science, tested by this nice girl. She's a rebel, not a demon. Well anyway guys, stay away from this girl because she doesn't take anything from you and she will burn your entire families house down. Your entire ancestors house. All of your friend's house, Their families, Their Ancestors and Friends. Your Landlord. Your Enemies. Their Families. Their Friends. Their Country. Their Planet. Their Solar System. Their Sun. Their Galaxy. And Every living thing as we know it. So please, do not anger her.

  3. Hello, my name is Bob Sanders the news reporter. I just had a live interview with one of neighbors of the house that caught on fire, and would like to tell you about it. The girls name was DeLarchioCholetcha..... Yes it is one long and weird name. The girl has no record, no family, no house, nothing. She said that she simply imagined the house was on fire, blinked, and then it was on fire. She said she was also not surprised, because she had done this before back where she used to live with her family. Well, like any reporter, I asked her where she used to live. She responded that she lived far, far, far away from here. In fact, millions of miles away. With that, she grew two feet taller, and was a grown up. With two final words she vanished into nothing. Her last words were..... WATCH OUT. I am now a bit scared, and not sure who or what she was.

    With those two last words, she was (as seen in the paragraph above), Bob Sanders disappeared into thin air. This was 40 years ago. The strangest thing about this, is that Bob Sanders, the news reporter, returned to the news station today, not looking any different or older. What happened to Bob Sanders???

    Reward: If any information is found, please leave a comment on

    1. Please visit because the little girl is going to cause this... By the way real site guys.

  4. She told me that it was all what i wanted she said with that disgusted look on her face and she was rubbing her hands together.Literley creeping everybody out give everybody a scare and a chill down there spine.She told us excactlly ok all a sudden It was my birthday and i was opening my presants disapointed that it was just socks,shirts,and underwear and thats what i got from my whole family so it was cake time so then it was just one cupcake that was all ready bitt in out of gross she was very angry so i just started it on fire and killed all my family and the rest of my family is next and after that who knows who is next maybe its you look behind you??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????GOTCHA. So lock your doors or i will slap you with an oer.1,2 im coming for you 3,4 lock the door.

  5. The call came in around 4:45pm.There was a car in a house that had started on fire. When we arrived the house was almost gone. We looked around the scene and found a young girl sitting on the curb across the street. She was crying and we asked did you see what happen? She said, Yes I was out side playing on my swing when all of sudden I saw a car coming at me. I ran away from the car and came over here and sat down. The car was at the stop sign, and all of a sudden the person hit the gas and ran over the curb. It hit the house. When it hit the house it burst in to flames. What happen after that? Did the driver get out of the car? Yes he got out safely. When the police arrived they asked him what happened. He said that he fell a sleep but I saw him throw his phone out the window before he hit the house. Ok thanks, I will tell the police that. The girl’s parents came home from work and saw that the house was gone. Then they saw us sitting there talking to there daughter.

  6. My mommy and daddy were being mean to my teddy and I wanted payback. So I got out my Carrie Underwood song album on and put the stove on 430 degrees. Then when everyone went to bed I got my vengeance. How you ask, I got my daddy's propane tank and put it in the oven and ran. later a heard a boom and looked back and the house was on fire. The neighbors called the fire department and the police station. That's how all of this happened. So yeah people said don't say bless you but i might start saying it maybe.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. "Mommy and Daddy were fighting every day. Sometimes it isn't even about reasonable stuff. Yesterday they were fighting about how many eggs go in the meatloaf. And then the day before that they were fighting about what to buy me for Christmas. But I mean come on guys lets be reasonable that one was easy to solve, I just told them to buy me both of the gifts then they were quiet." Said the girl. "But today I was just sick of it, today they were fighting about how to wash the laundry. So what I did was I gave them each a drink with 100 ppm of Chloroform. Then I started the house on fire with a simple recipe of gasoline and a lighter. So far it has worked." *10 Minutes Later*
    “Mommy, Daddy please do not leave me I want you to come back, do not go into the light”

  9. (I am the reporter in this case) After the fire and her family died I took her in the investigation room where she was greeted with a scary clown strapped in a chair to find answers. Without even having to ask her she told us something, she said these words exactly. " I did it." I was very confused she just told us right away because that has never happened before. She went on by saying, " They told me to ( as she started crying)." I asked her "who is the?" As she said in a soft yet chilling voice she had said this," Him the big scary man dressed as giant Coca Cola can. As she started tilting her head to the side with a smile on her face she said, " He said if I burnt down the house and killed them he would give me candy, so I did." I continued this conversation with her by saying. " Girl you are messed up! I mean what kinda of girl burns down a house for a peace of candy!? Don't you know you ask for two peaces of candy?! Okay girl I am going to tell you right know you are going to the nut house CASE CLOSED!"


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