Friday, November 30, 2012


Bob Sanders hacked into Ms. Chetto's computer and deleted the DQ for today! 

Say something to Bob before the end of the day and you will get extra credit! 

(This does not need to be 150 words)

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Innocent or Guilty

Joesph Enterprise, the makers of the infamous Chia products, have charged Ms. Chetto with negligent homicide of the Charter Chia Tree.  As a lawyer, present your case as to whether she is innocent or guilty, and what (if any) her punishment should be. 

The evidence for the prosecution is presented below. 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

best friends

These two BFFs are having a lively conversation. 

Write a paragraph telling us what they are saying to each other. 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


You naughty students!! This photo was just emailed to me, and I'm told it is one of you!! Explain this photo immediately and tell me which one of you this is and what exactly is going on! 

(In case you can't see the photo, it is a surveillance camera screenshot of a man dressed as a wrestler who appears to be robbing a convenience store.....with an ostrich). 

Monday, November 26, 2012

Gotta Be Thankful

Thanksgiving is a time when you give thanks for what you have and reflect on the good aspects of your life. What were you most thankful for this past weekend and why?

**Serious replies only, no Bob Sanders passes**

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

iPad Mini

Ms. Chetto wants an iPad Mini. She, of course, does not have the cash for such an awesome device. You must develop a fool proof plan for her to acquire this fantastic new Apple tablet! 

Monday, November 19, 2012


Keeping in mind that the purpose of school is you think Minecraft should be allowed in school? Why or why not?

Friday, November 16, 2012

You've brought your new girlfriend over to meet your family for the first time, and your dad does this: 

How would you explain his actions to your girlfriend so that she isn't totally freaked out?

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Furby is BACK!!! For those of you that do not remember Furby, they are toys that were a huge hit about 10 or so years ago. I can personally attest to the fact that they were EVIL......mine was totally possessed. 

If your childhood toys came to life, which one would be most likely to commit murder and why?

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Commander Sanders

This is Commander Sanders, head of the CHETTO (Cosmic High Energy Transient Tesseract Orbitron) Space Mission.  Beneath his photo you will see the first entry in his Commander Log, which details the adventures he experienced while keeping the Earth safe from Space Invaders. Complete an entry in his log (this should be written in first person).

Commander Log Entry #1: Today was a most excellent and thrilling day, and our launch was quite successful. I am prepared to spend the next three years protecting the Earth from it's most dangerous enemy to date: Space Invaders. Mission Control has charged me with the honor of finding out how and why these invaders have chosen to target planet Earth, and by God, I WILL complete my mission! On another note, I have found that my crew is not fond of the rations I had specially ordered for this mission, which is insane, considering how delicious leaves and petals are. Something tells me these fools are not herbivores at all. No matter, more for me.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Tell me what you know about Hurricane Sandy 
(without looking it up). 

Monday, November 12, 2012

"It's Thanksgiving"

Here is a new song by the makers of Rebecca Black's "Friday." Please watch this video in it's entirety and post your review below.

And don't worry, I will be playing this gem in English today for those of you that can't access it. :)

Friday, November 9, 2012

Most Interesting Person

Who is the most interesting person you know and what makes them so interesting? 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

First Memories

All of you were so eager to share your first memories in class, I figured it would be a great discussion question!! 

Describe the earliest memory you have of life. Write this in a NARRATIVE. 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Animal Combos

Anne Hathaway woke up today as part dog, poor girl. 
If you had to wake up as a combination of a human and an animal, what would you be and why??

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Pop Music

All of us have heard a song on the radio and hated it up first listen, but after awhile.....we hear it several times....... it grows on us.........and suddenly....WE LOVE IT!!!

For example:  The first time I heard Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance," I thought it was the dumbest song ever. All I could think was; these lyrics are awful!! This person needs to stop making music! However, every time I got in the car, it was on. It began to infect my brain. Soon, I found myself humming it as I walked. I found myself singing along when it was on the radio. Pretty soon, I owned it, knew all the words, and regularly sang it on karaoke night. It is in fact stuck in my head at right now.

Tell me about a time that something like that has happened to you. Mention why you first disliked it, what finally caused you to like it, and how you feel about it now. 

Monday, November 5, 2012

Off time

Describe a typical day in the life of a superhero when he's not out fighting crime. 

Friday, November 2, 2012


Ms. Chetto is a total slacker and was late with the DQ. Write an excuse for her so that her house does not get egged by students this weekend. 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Disaster Girl

You are a reporter who was called to the scene of this crime. You spoke with this girl and she told you exactly what happened and why. What did she tell you?!