Thursday, December 20, 2012


My dearest English students, you have all done such great work
That assigning over Christmas break would make me a total jerk!
So I have decided, that as my gift to you
I will not give an assignment, not even a DQ! 

Have a wonderful break, see you next year!! 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Alex went to New York and tried to fly through the subway. As you can see, his plan went horribly wrong. What would have been a better way for Alex to accomplish his goal of being the biggest freak on the New York Transit system?

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

It's Christmas!!

Nicole Westbrook is making a new video, called "It's Christmas!!" No, not really. But we all hope she does!

Instead of getting anything for Christmas this year, you have to give some of your things away to those in need. Which of your possessions would you give to who and why?

Monday, December 17, 2012

The Deal

I have read all of your responses to the "Consideration" DQ from last week, and many of you brought up some very valid points. Ryan was correct in saying that you all have become better writers since the beginning of the year. Joey, Wyatt and Alex brought up good points regarding the Bob Sander's passes, and Jake made me think about the creativity that goes into the DQ responses. Most of the responses, though, focused on the fact that some DQs are harder than others, and thus harder to write about.

The reason I have you do these DQs is because they make you think....Sometimes the situations exist only in the "what if" realm of reality, sometimes they are just silly, and sometimes they are just so I can see if you're actually reading the question. I don't want them to be easy for you. Below this paragraph, you will see a fake DQ in large, bold letters. If you read all of this, instead of answering the question below, flash Ms. Chetto a peace sign before the end of the day and you will receive full credit for today's question. If they were easy and required no thought, there would be no point to doing them at all. I do, however, believe in rewarding people for hard work, and most of you have worked pretty hard in English this year. So, I have come to a decision. I will lower the word requirement for the DQs down to 100 words. However, there will be no more Bob Sanders passes, and if I start to see the quality of work slipping, the requirement will be brought up again.

What is your favorite meal? Using 100 words, describe it in detail, including what it looks like, smells like, and tastes like.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Born Lucky

Some people are born lucky, and some people are lucky to be born. 

If you had to consider yourself as one or the other, which do you think you are and why?

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Try Again!!

Ok guys, lets try this again. 







Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Ms. Chetto is considering lowering the DQ requirement to 100 words

Is this a good idea? 

Writing 150 words is a great way to practice and has already shown her that your writing has improved by leaps and bounds since the requirement went into effect. She will need some pretty good reasons to lower the requirement.........Write Ms. Chetto a note and help her decide what she should do. 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Honey Boo Boo

You are a beauty pageant contestant!!

Follow the link below to get your Honey Boo Boo nickname. 
Tell us what your nickname is and the story behind how you got it.

Example: Ms. Chetto is: MELTDOWN CRYBABY!!

I was all set to win the Little Miss Coolest Nerd Ever Beauty pageant. I had the perfect dress, my makeup was flawless, and I had made up a dance with hula hoops and fire that I was sure would wow the crowd.  My stage name back then was Ms. Chickadee Chubbette, and I was ready to put that sparkly crown on my head. All of a sudden, Elmer Wiggy (Ms. Wilson) swooped in with a perfect cartwheel and triple flip, stealing the show from me!! She had a huge dress with glittery pictures of the periodic table all over it. The judges decided she was the biggest nerd that has ever lived, and gave her the crown. I was so upset that I had a complete meltdown, crying so hard that my makeup ran all down my face. My nose was running, my eyes were red, and I was screaming at the top of my lungs.  That is how I earned the nickname, Meltdown Crybaby.

Honey Boo Boo Name Generator

If you can't get to the Generator, here are your names: 

Alex: Annie GooGoo
Joey: Jackpot Giggles
Sam: Smexy Hon-bun
Ryan: Rowdey Roo-Holly
Wyatt:  Jinxy Crazylegs 
Cody: Sassy Teacup 
Adrian: Angel Shoo Fly Pie
Collin:  Chubbster fo Sho
Jake: Jazzy Spiff
Austen: Wonderfang Honeychild 

Monday, December 10, 2012

Your Name Here

Write a poem using your name
(does not need to be 150 words) 

Be Creative!!! (or I will assign this again and again and again and again and again!!)

(and again and again and again and again and again!) 

Friday, December 7, 2012

I Sparkle


  1. A fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen, esp. one whose cause is in question.
  2. A remarkable person or thing.

Why do you think Twilight has become the phenomenon that it is today? 

If you have not see Twilight, tell us about something that has happened in your life that you consider to have been a phenomenon for you. 

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Wyatt has attempted some crazy stunts in his time, but now he's gone too far. Write a note to Wyatt and persuade him not to wear his bread suit anymore.

Wyatt- respond to your classmates and let them know if they have succeeded in persuading you to retire your suit made of bread. 

Wyatt poses on the beach in a suit made of bread.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Bad Mood

Sometimes, people wake up in terrible moods for no reason whatsoever. Describe a time that you were a complete crab for no reason and what you did to get out of your funk. 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Monday, December 3, 2012


Sometimes, the strangest suggestions end up being the most fun adventures. What is the weirdest thing you and your friends have ever done that ended up being a great memory for you?