Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Breaking News!

Create a ridiculous headline for a ludicrous news story and write a paragraph to go with it that is absolutely absurd

Here is my example, now please write your own! 

Everyone is screaming today after reports of the world's fastest dog being discovered as merely a horse wearing sunglasses. "I don't know what to think anymore," stated Green Lake resident, Michael Finley. "My world has just been shattered." Finley is not alone in his disappointment, as the rest of the community morns the fact that they were so easily fooled. "It looks so legit!" Screamed Shelby Searl, as she clung to Michael for comfort. "I can't believe I was so blind! But those sunglasses are awesome." Green Lake residents struggle to overcome the knowledge that their whole lives are lies. "I just want to move on," sobbed Austin Wallenfang. "When things like this happen, all I can think is why. Why? We may never know."

Monday, April 29, 2013


You just found out that this girl wants to fight you after school. Make up an excuse to get out of it...because believe me, you don't want to show up! 

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Adventure Time!

Write a story using your list of answers from yesterday. Bold each of your answers so that I can easily identify them. Your story must MAKE SENSE as much as possible. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Survey Says:

Answer each of the following questions. This DQ does not need to have 100 words, and you do not need to comment on your classmates' work today. 

No repeats, No IDK, and number your list please. :) 

  1.  Look up from your computer screen and write down the name of the first person you see. 
  2. How do you feel right now?
  3. Write down the month of your birthday.
  4. What is your favorite number?
  5. Choose one of the following: Rats, Cats, Dogs, Logs, Kids, Lids, Mice, Lice
  6.  If you had to choose one place in your home to be trapped alone in for 24 hours, where would it be?
  7. Write down the name of a store.
  8. What is love?
  9. Write down a plural noun. 
  10. If you had to choose one adjective to describe how your hair looks today, what would it be?
  11. What is the strongest force on Earth?
  12. Jody places a slide on her microscope, but when she looks through it, she can't see. Give a reason why.
  13. Write a verb ending in "ing"
  14.  Name one of your teachers.
  15. What do you think is the best solution to overpopulation?
  16. Write a verb ending in "ed"
  17. What country does your family hail from?
  18.  Write a verb ending in "ing"
  19. Describe in one word what your mom would do if you suddenly decided that flushing the toilet was against your beliefs. 
  20. What is one item you can not live without?

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Open Mouth, Insert Foot

Everyone says things without thinking every now and then. Write about a time you did this. 

How did you feel after you said it? What do you wish you would have said instead? What happened as a result of you speaking before thinking about how it was going to sound to whomever you were talking to?

Monday, April 22, 2013

Group Work

"G-R-O-U-P-W-O-R-K does not spell Collaboration."

Explain what this quote means to you and why. 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Homework Debate

Do you think homework is helpful or harmful to your education? Explain your choice. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Papa Smurf has gone missing. This photo was posted to Reddit the next day. If you were a detective, explain how you would proceed with this case. 

Monday, April 15, 2013


The origin of the word "supercalifragilisticexpialidicious" has long been debated in both the literary and historical world. One thing is for certain; it PREDATES the 1964 movie Mary Poppins by hundreds of years! 

Make up and origin story for the world's longest nonsense word. Make it believable! 

Thursday, April 11, 2013


If you could excel at any academic subject you wanted, which subject would it be and how do you think it would change your life?

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Model Sanders

Hector Sanders has decided to defy his father's wishes and has dropped out of school to become a fashion model. However, so far he has only been able to find volunteer work and has been living off credit cards to survive. 

Write a letter from Commander Sanders to his son, Hector, and persuade to either continue following his dream or to give up and go back to school. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Hours in the Day

If you could change the length of a day, would  you lengthen it or shorten it. Explain why you made this choice. 

Monday, April 8, 2013

Down with a Sickness

Invent a new medical condition and describe a person suffering from it. What would the symptoms be? Is there a cure??

Friday, April 5, 2013

Hi Girls!

If you were a member of the opposite gender, what do you think you would look like? 

Do you think your personality would be different, or do you think you would be the same as you are now?

 Explain why you feel that way. 

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Bad Habits

What is your worst habit? Has it ever gotten you in trouble? Tell us about it. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


If you were bitten by a vampire, would you live with your day to day bloodlust, or would you ask someone to kill you before you turned?

If you choose to remain a vampire, write about what your day to day life would be like now that you are among the undead.

If you want to die before you turn, write about who you would ask to take you out, and what you would do before it took place. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Kryptonite is the only thing in existence that makes Superman weak. 

If you were a super hero, what would be your kryptonite?? Explain why. 

Monday, April 1, 2013

You've Been Fooled!

Today is April Fools Day, there is no DQ.


Write about an April Fools Day prank you have played on someone in the past. 

IF you've never pulled an April Fools Day prank, give a review of the one I pulled on Mila and David yesterday! 

Yesterday was Easter, and I mistakenly thought it was also April 1st. After Mila and David woke up and discovered their Easter baskets, I told them that the Easter Bunny had hidden eggs all over the house and yard. (To entice David into searching, I told him that some of the eggs contained money). They looked for the eggs for over an hour before I said, "April Fool's!! There are no hidden eggs!! HAHAHA!!" They both looked at me, totally bewildered, and David told me that it was not April Fool's Day, and that I, in fact, was the fool. Mila was pretty mad....I'm still not sure if she's forgiven me.