Thursday, April 11, 2013


If you could excel at any academic subject you wanted, which subject would it be and how do you think it would change your life?


  1. It would have to be math. We use math in everything some times you use it and you didn't even now that you did. It is a part of life you use it in teaching and even riding a bike. When you are at work you need to figure things out and how to teach them and what time to teach them at so you can plan your day out. You need it when making food, and playing sports and buying a house. You need to now how far to trow the ball or how high your mortgage is going to be.

    1. Nice job, you do use math a lot.

    2. Those are excellent points, Ryan. If I could be better at any subject, I would choose math as well.

  2. I think I would want to be a scientist because I want to be famous. When you grow up you always hear about famous scientists and what they did, but you never hear any famous Math people. That’s why I choose to be a scientist because I want to invent something big and be talked about way after my death. Oh and I would also get a lot of stuff free when I go places. I just think that would be amazing going to all these places and people wound know you. I think I would like that life style.

    1. Being a scientist would be cool, I would love being able to invent things that better the world!

  3. I think it would probabaly have to be math. Why I chose math? Well math is probabaly my worst subject and I don't really like it so I would chose that subject. How would it change my life? Well I can't tell you for sure but I think it would make my life much simpler for me because then My math homework would go much faster. So then I could have more free time and that is always a very Important thing. Then is I was really good at math then I could be an inventor or some good job that involves a lot of math.

  4. I would like to excel in math. Math is probably my strongest subject right now, but I would still want to get better at it. I would love to know everything about math. Math is a very important subject to know, and is used quite often. I would to invent something new and big that has to do with math. I could use math a lot to build amazing houses, or whatever I felt like building. Reading would also be important, but I would just love to learn almost everything that can be learned about math.

  5. Science it has been my dream to be a neuropsychologist or a plastic surgeon. You need so much education to be those things and sometimes I just don't understand the genetics or the brain all that well and you need that to become a neuropsychologist. Another thing I lack is patient which technically is a subject because school in general needs patients which is another way school helps me.

  6. If I could be really smart at something it would be English because I am really bad a it.It would be easy spelling things. It would help me with everything. It would be pretty cool spelling huge word and know what every word in the world I could spell.

  7. That would depend on which class I have the worst grade in. It would be science or english. I would probably do both because it would be too hard for one grade to be kind of ok, then I would need it again at another subject. So I guess I would excel at all of them.

  8. Excel at math because I am extreemely bad at math and in one grade behind for math. It would change my life by alot cause id actually be on track with the rest of my classmates and actually feel like im in the right class. My grades would be different cause I wouldnt have to constantly worry about doing stupid math. I usually never do my math because I procrastinate until the day its due.


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