Thursday, April 18, 2013

Homework Debate

Do you think homework is helpful or harmful to your education? Explain your choice. 


  1. I think that home work can be a good thing and it can be a bad thing. It can be good because you might need the practice. The homework can be bad because you can over work your brain. When you over work your brain it explodes. so home work can be a good thing and a bad thing. I personal think that home work is a good thing. It helps you study for tests and gets you ready for other things. Your teachers can give a little bit to much homework for the weekends. It really sucks when you get home work for every class.

    1. Yeah I don't like too much homework either, good job.

    2. Your brain explodes?! Yikes!

  2. I think it is a good thing but I think that people just just do it and not argue over it because they are helping you. I think the math homework is the best for but the least fun. I think teachers should help you if you don't get it but if you pay attention you should be OK do to do it. It may be dumb sometime and no one wants homework on the week-ends. I wish we would have the teachers talk because they all seem to give us projects at the same time. I also only have homework or no homework. Teachers give me everything on one day. If teachers would meet and say this is what we are doing Monday and french is on Friday. That would make it easy on us but still enough work that it is learning.

    1. Good idea. It is strange that we all seem to give projects at the same time. Great minds must think alike!

  3. Anyone else extremely excited for the Poetry winners to be announced tomorrow?

  4. I think that having home work can go either way just like Joey and Ryan. Sometimes its homework that helps you learn and teaches you along the way and then it also when we are just given an assignment that we have to idea about. That second part is the homework that I hate. I also hate it when you understand math really well and you still have to do like 30 problems that take a long time. Why don’t the teaches just assign 5 problems then see’s who doesn't get it from there.

    1. I agree, and I just realized I said about the same thing about knowing all the problems but still having like 30. Nice job.

    2. Probably because 5 problems isn't enough to see if you've mastered the concepts.

  5. Having homework of course will help our education. Sometimes it can be really boring, but if we still need to learn more of whatever we're learning about then it is fine. The only thing that is sometimes annoying about homework is when you have a bunch of homework and you already know exactly how to do all the problems. I think homework is definitely good for our education, because we can always come across some new problem that we don't know how to solve. We also need to remember the things we learned, which is why we have homework and tests. Even if it seems useless, we've all heard many times that you will need this stuff in the future. We probably will too, which is why we have homework.

  6. The value of homework has been being debated for a long time now. As a teacher, I can see how homework is useful because we just never seem to have enough time during class to get everything done and still stay "on schedule." As a parent, I HATE when Mila has homework! The last thing I want to do after work, play practice, making dinner, etc, is help her with her homework or nag her to get it done. Does homework increase your GPA because you are actually getting better at the subject, or does it increase your GPA simply because you aren't being marked down for skipping it?

  7. Well I think homework can be good and bad depending on how it is assigned. Like it is helpful I think if we get it but not in big amounts. Because if we get it on bog amounts then I think it is completely pointless. So it can be good and it can be bad just depending on how it is assigned.

  8. It all really depends because homework can be the world's most stressful thing ever the world has to come. Homework can get in the way of your activities and sports. It all starts when after school I have baseball until 6:00, then I have play practice for 3 hours, then I get home around 8:30- 9:00 and I don't really feel like doing homework at that time. So I guess homework can be a bad thing.

    1. That's understandable. I feel the same way with grading. When I get home from school after being there for like, 14 hours, I certainly don't want to grade papers for another two hours! Maybe homework SHOULD be banned!

  9. I think school is unhealthy for kids because all we do is sit and get any physical activities besides gym class. They say all the kids need to be more physically active yet they make us sit and eat bad food that the school makes and then just sit in our seats even more. But in this case I think homework is also bad because the amount of homework we get and with our extra outside of school activities. It mentally and emotionally just stretches us out and makes us have no time for just relaxing and this makes us always so stressed out.


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