Monday, April 15, 2013


The origin of the word "supercalifragilisticexpialidicious" has long been debated in both the literary and historical world. One thing is for certain; it PREDATES the 1964 movie Mary Poppins by hundreds of years! 

Make up and origin story for the world's longest nonsense word. Make it believable! 


  1. The origin of the word is super. In that word all of those words needs super to make that word so the origin is super. Super means really good and strong.With that as the origin that is the strongest word. That could have many origins but you have to pick one and the one that I picked is super because it is the strongest word in the the overall word.
    The word is cool and has a lot of meaning. I think that the word is a nice word it flows with the hole word and it means good strong.

  2. Long long ago when we were fighting to get away from England this one people loved making up all these random words to sound cool. He also wanted to be famous so he wrote the movie Mary Popins. Many of you disagree but it was originally all his idea but he died before he could make a “ play out of it. A Play turned into a movie and is now a well known movie but not many people know that he was though he a few hundred years before it came out.

    1. Nice job, is it made up or is this real?

  3. The word, zedipofinguyotevaqolerix, dates back a a while ago. There were two different groups of people that were very angry at eachother. Finally they went into battle. The two raging teams charged at eachother screaming their best battle cries. This is when the word becomes a word. One warrior yells zedipofinguyotevaqolerix, and then that team just used that word in every battle afterwords. Neither of the teams win, they both decide to stop the battle and join together and make one huge army. The word was put into the dictionary a few years later. The word means, battle!

    1. By the way I made up that word.

  4. the word is haopfeaopfaopfeaopfapoifsaiofaioaoiavmoiai'oaliasfudoanj;lkvao;nigraenlavoi;vraio;freaiu;anlvan;ouivarv;oauriefrejioajfariovfnvofdvdfmikjendfnadienfdnozmzoxxjdkfdiande;aiekfnakaeiousfnl'anifaiofajoi;afoijkjflg,fdagodapapfdbkahfdahfdpfbfdpfvhbdjkabfkjlsdapfdsbfdpfbaljbfyeHLDAL. It's in my book. It's in the Collin dictionary. But the real word is Methionylglutaminylarginyltyrosylglutamyl I don't know what it is, but it is one of the longest words in the world

  5. The word is xersuruasonnaryt. There was once a man from Serbia, he went by the name of Niko. One day he was asked by an important leader of his country to create a book of translations. Niko had decided to use Google Translate for this task and be lazy. One day had fallen asleep making it and when he was woken up he was startled and accidentally threw the words and the pages everywhere. In desperate measures he plagiarized the rest by buying a cheep translator book. This was not a good idea, when the certain official had used it he was slapped in the face and sent back to his country. The word means, "Your wife is ugly."

  6. The origin of this word comes from Estonia and was invented in the year 1800 B.C. this word was made by a cave man who started shouting when he had to go to the bathroom in the middle of cave man class. The teacher wouldn't let him go to the bathroom so he started spewing out sounds and what came out of his mouth was supercalafragalisticxpeealidoshis and then pooped him self on the desk and that has been forever used up to the point but the real meaning of the word means can I use the bathroom.


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