Thursday, March 7, 2013

Famous Parents for Joey

If you could have any two famous people to be Joey's parents, who would you pick and why?


  1. If I had the power to do this to Joey, I would give him Shaun White as his dad, and Justin Beiber as the mom. (You all know what I mean) I know that Joey loves to snow board a lot, and I thought I would send Shaun white with him so he can teach Joey some things about snowboarding. When they get home from the X games, Mom is cooking them dinner, and singing horrible songs. After their dinner, Justin Beiber helps Joey with his homework. Once that's finished, Justin Beiber tucks Joey into his bed and kisses him goodnight. The end.

    1. Cool joes mother is really wired.

    2. Great choice, I think Joey would love these parents.

  2. Any to famous people for joeys parents they would have to be, Ryan braun and Hope Solo. They are both famous and play for teams. They are both nice people. They have things in common and joey would get a lot of things he would live in a big house and have lots of thing to play with. He would probably have a basket ball court in his house. He could get so many things if he these to parents because braun gets over 15 thousand dollers. They both play sports Ryan plays baseball and hope solo plays socer. They would have so much fun because they would have so much money.

  3. This is a great question but I think that Will Ferell should be his dad and Taylor Swift should be his mom. They are two couples that are not even close to being the same age and they would be perfect for each other in my eyes. Then again I do see stuff that doesn’t always make since but this time I am sure that they are perfect for each other and would live together peacefully forever and ever. And those are two amazing people for your parents. On the weekend you could probably have your own island to go to after Friday.

    1. I agree those would be quite good parents.

  4. I think Joe's parents could be Candace Parker and Kevin Love. These are two of my favorite basketball players. Candace Parker is my favorite WNBA player. She is one of only a few women that can DUNK. Kevin Love is my second favorite NBA player, right after Dwyane Wade. I think that they would get along well. They have both won Olympic Gold Medals in the 2012 Summer Olympics. Did I mention that his mom can DUNK!!! I think if I had a famous mom I would want it to be Candace Parker. So Joe, do you approve of your new parents?

  5. I think Joey would love having the parents of Bill Gates, and Mary Anderson, who invented the windshield wipers. Mary Anderson invented these in 1903, so she might me a little bit old. Bill Gates is super smart with computers and technology, so he can always help Joey if Joey needs help with a computer. Mary Anderson is a great mother for Joey, because she is also smart. She might be a little old, but that's okay. Plus, Joey's car could have super high-tech windshield wipers, if Mary Anderson just worked on them a little bit. I really think Joey would enjoy these parents.

  6. If I was in the 80's I would be like.... Wow look at those jeans. Cool look at that thing that person is talking too. Wow look at the game that they are playing. There is so many things that we have that people didn't have. We are using computer when they had books. We have google drive when they have paper. It would suck having to use that instead of a computer. There is no iPods or video games.

  7. If I could give Joey any two awesome parents I would give him Megan Fox as a mom and Megan Fox as a dad. That would be awesome she would be so nice and so caring and what not. She could help you with homework and help you on your acting career and get you famous and have money and power. The only bad thing is her thumbs are really weird but other than that she is so hot ha. Imagine having a mom and dad like her? Joe you can thank me later for those two awesome parents.


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