Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Pool Shark

Imagine a world where it is normal for sharks to randomly appear anywhere, including your backyard pool. Explain how you would defend yourself against this surprise attack. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Why do your first comments always get deleted?

    2. because the reason why is I don't really know.

  2. Always have a lifeguard on duty. Dont shower or anything to stay safe, if your gonna take a bath or anything make it quick so the shark or whatever comes out of the water. I dont really get how the shark would be able to pop out of a little pool bathtub or shower head and the sink but oh well gotta do these to get a better grade. For the bath have a rubber ducky so the shark will attack it and not you. In a pool always have more than one person in the pool so your not the one getting ate by the shark and you can live another day to watch more people get eaten by a shark. In the ocean you will have to be worried especially if they can just appear.

  3. First of all I would be very careful, and everyone else would need to be too. I would not like being around anything with water in it. You could be washing your hands and a shark could jump out of the sink! If there was a surprise shark attack while I was washing my hands, I would jump backwards as far as possible, and sprint away. I would find the closest weapon, and kill the shark, or at least stop it from eating me. I would keep my distance though so that the shark couldn't bite me. I would then get animal control to get this shark out of the house. In the future, I would keep something near me at all times to protect myself from surprise shark attacks. Thankfully we got rid of our pool, because I would not like to be swimming and have a shark come swimming up behind me. Rainy days would not be good... Sharks could just jump out of a puddle in town! I think some scientist would have to invent something that prevents sharks from appearing anywhere, or else sharks could take over. Anyways, if a shark jumped out of my cup of water while I was drinking it.... OUCH

  4. I would agree with Wyatt with this because I would be careful. It is a really weird world if sharks randomly come out of you pool or bath tube. I would get a bus and put bars on the windows. The emergency exit would turn into a spot for a gunner with a huge gun. I would put a boat on the inside of the bus so if we fall in the water we will be alright. I will be able to take seats in and out for stuff to put there like ammo or guns. This is what I think people should do.

  5. Well there a lot of things that I would do, but one thing that sticks out is set up traps for them. You can set a big chunk of raw meat above a bath tub, and whenever they come up out of the bath you could hire guy from a sushi restraint and chop the sharks up. You could start your own business and make a lot of bank off it. Plus you could also get free fresh sushi out of it!. I mean who wouldn't like free sushi? I know I do. Or you can also just get a small tub of fresh water. So when they emerge they die because they can’t swim around and they can’t survive in fresh water.

    1. I would love fresh, free sushi! Green Lake needs a sushi restaurant!

  6. Ok well there are many things you could do. You could have a weapon with you at all times so that if the shark is coming after you can protect your self with the weapon. If you wanted to take a shower you could because there is not enough water for a shark to live so you would not have to worry about that. Also in your pool you should not have to worry because I will make this special netting that goes under the water on the bottom of the pool. If you are worried about a shark falling from the sky you can purchase another piece and put it over the top that way you are complete safe and have nothing to worry about. When you take a bath you will have to really watch the water and make shirr nothing is going to happen. If you want to swim in the ocean that is your risk and If you do make sure that there is a life guard on duty and they are paying attention and have something to tranquilize the shark so it dose not hurt people or itself by getting to close to a boat.

  7. I think the best way to handle this it with a trap. Multiple traps everywhere. Put oxygen tanks, you know for scuba diving. Put those things on the top of the water just floating. Then the next step is easy. Quite simple really. All you have to do now is stand guard by your beautiful home-made shark trap with your rifle. If it is taking to long for a shark to appear try to attract it like dump blood in the water or throw a piece of meat in there. But don't do it yourself. That's to dangerous, so get one of your friends or relatives to do it. Anyway if you have ever seen Jaws you know what to do but I'll still tell you anyways. When the shark burst out of the water you shoot the tank in the shark's mouth and it will blow up. One down, shark respawning in 3... 2... 1... This problem has no solution. Id'e also like to say high to the three people in Germany and one other in China. Hello!

    1. I have to agree with you jake too.

  8. You would invent the coolest thing ever. A wath braclet type thing that when you wanted to you could prees a button and a super powerfull mini wepone would pop out and auto aim at any sharks around. This would not only protect me but it would also make me billions apon billions of dollars and not only would I be healthy but i wold be a billionare.

  9. Ok, let's get something straight, RUN!!!! Eveyone get up into the skies and sit there forver, it's the shark appocolypse, we are all going to die, we need to survive. If their isn't a way to live, then we just die, we all die from sharks randomly popping in the air. The person who made that slide for ifunny is dead. That person created the slide to make sharks appear into this world, that should be the fist person die.

  10. There have been a tragic series of shark attacks in select backyard pools. The users of these pools are between the ages of three to seven years of age. The cause is a recurrence or urination by the victims. It has been tested by poololigists that the sharks appear approximately ten seconds after the urination. To prevent this go to an "OOL" it is basically a pool, just no pee in it. Also put the stuff in the pool or "OOL" that will turn the pee blue. My best suggestion is to just go to "OOL."

  11. I would probably just live in my basement I would stock up on food and water and all the other things you need to have in order to pretty much never leave a place. But do not worry I have a plan B. Plan B is to make people think I am crazy so I get excepted/sent to a mental institution. The mental institute would feed you, take care of you, and if your crazy enough get you a diaper and change it for you. With my plans I actually think the basement is plan B.


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