Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Hakuna Matata

People worry way to much about __________________________. 

Fill in the blank and write a paragraph on why you feel that way. 

(the picture is not related)


  1. People worry to much about what ifs but lets talk about death. People worry about many different deaths like for instance some people don't fly because they have a fear of plane crash. People might avoid big city's or crowds because of the fear of death in terrorist attacks. Some people even live out in the middle of nowhere because of the fear of death of a global pandemic. People might miss out on perdy sights like yellow stone because of the fear of death of the volcano. People might not enjoy life from not going outside because of the fear of dying of diseases. Come on do you thinks these are likely to happen. For that matter worrying doesn't change the outcome. If you worry too much about death how can you possibly enjoy life.

  2. People worry way to much about there kids getting lost in a water park. It is very confusing to me because I live in the Wisconsin Dells in the summer. I have a Camp 10 minutes away from downtown Dells. I was at Wilderness the water park and Hotel. I had Cody come with me because we had a tournament the next day. We were walking in the hall and this kid was getting yelled at because he went to the wrong water park but the one he said he was going to was closed. So he went to the wave pool. His family was looking everywhere for him. I don't think this is right because I ride my bike to town and my parents don't get mad but they just have to know.

    1. That's true, you can't look for a child on a loud system

    2. *call for not look for

    3. Yeah, I say people should set up a place and a time to meet up when going to a water park, that way they can still go where they want to, but not get lost.

  3. People worry way to much about people breaking in there house. I mean what would you do if you found some one say something and run. I mean come on and get real. Don't worry about that it is very unlike to find some one in your house. What would you do. Would you yell or say hi what you doing having a good day. I think people are way to worried about that it happens to maybe 5 people in your city a year. Some people have security cameras around there houses I mean they must have very bad encounters with bad people.

    1. Sometimes its for there own good because sometimes people have secrete stuff in their house that they don't want any one to find.

    2. I agree with Cody here, we have secret stuff here too. But I think worrying about people breaking into your house is good, because your prepared for what could happen to you, the robber could have a gun. So you would have a gun under your bed or under your pillow or something like that.

  4. People worry way to much about their nails. Now I am not trying to be sexist but mainly girls worry about this way to much. I just do not understand why they worry so much about their nails I mean come on it is a nail! When I chip a nail when I help around the house I do not scream and act like someone just burnt down the statue of liberty my reaction usually goes a little something like this," ." that is usually always my reaction I look at it and do not say a word. But now this is a girls reaction typically, " Oh my god! oh my god! I just broke a nail! Mom call 911 I just broke a nail!" Like seriously when girls break a nail they like wanna preform plastic surgery on it so their nail looks good again it's not like your finger just fell off I know that might be hard for you to process but it's true.

    1. That would be a very unnesicery 911 call. Lol
      Good Job!

    2. Yeah, a nail isn't really worth the price to get plastic surgery.

  5. I think people worry too much about getting hurt when doing some winter sports. Even though there are so many safety devices like life jackets, helmets and goggles. It is not as scary as it seems once you have gone a few times, or at least it is less scary after the first. Like this past weekend I saw this ramp type thing when I was down hill skiing and everybody else had gone down so I had to also. I guess it was peer pressure but it was so worth it. During this time I had only seen one person fall and that was because his skis crossed. Another thing that people get worried about and I would be okay with somebody going more into depth about is traveling. Like my dads teacher said," You could die standing on a street corner so you mine as well travel."

  6. I personally think that people think too much about life. There are so many good things about life and a lot of people don’t see those thing and they just go by what they see. YOLO is a phrase that I think goes with this topic very well. It mean Your Only Live Once. They are 4 words that when you put them together are very powerful. A lot of people and look at something and say they’re not going to do it because there is a risk involved. But I don’t get why they do that because life is a huge risk. You may do something that you don’t want to do but it may prepare you for something that might happen in the future.

  7. Hakuna Matata what a wonderful phrase!!!! People always worry too much about how they look, girls always have to put on about a pound of make up before leaving the house or even being seen by any one. Guys worry to much about their ego and about girls people seriously need to stop worrying about stuff and just relax!!

  8. People worry too much about getting lost. Not just in towns, or like Joey said, waterparks, but even in places like a store. A lot of people are always afraid of getting lost in the woods. As long as you follow the trail, you won't get lost. If you don't no where the trail is leading, just turn around and go back the way you came. If there isn't a trail, you should probably make one. Little kids sometimes get scared that they will get lost in a store and wont be able to find their parents. Your parents will always eventually find you in a store. It may take a while, but they will.

  9. People worry way to much about their K:D in CoD. But in real life I think people worry way to much about Terrorist. I mean yea, I guess it is something to worry about but it's not happening every second around every corner. There are not people walking straight into your house and blowing them selves up. You don't have as much to worry about here than Iraq or Afghanistan or any of those places. Unless you live in Washington D.C... Or an American embassy in the middle east. Then you can be scared. Also don't be scared of North Korea either. You're just giving them more self esteem.

  10. I think people worry to much about storms, especially the media. They always predict these huge storms and then they mostly end up not being that bad. I have to give them credit on the Boston storm they did predict that well and sandy but sometimes there are storms where everyone gets really scared and flees and then it ends up not being nearly as bad as everybody predicted . But it is mostly the medias fault because they talk about it way to much and then everyone only thinks about that and it escalates the problem even further.

  11. The first thing that people worry way to much about is death. The reason why I feel this is because people don't understand that death is a natural way of life. everything that uses oxogeon dies. I understand that it is sad when someone or something that your really close to you passes away, and how harsh that can be. But you got to understand, it's the natural way of life. Your parents are going to die sometime on this Earth, and so are you, but it's the natural way of life.

    1. This is very insightful and well thought out. Nice job!


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