Wednesday, May 22, 2013



  1. It all started back then on the year 1999, the year Ms. Chetto graduated, at strange thing happened on the year. A guy named Fred was walking around Green Lake school when all of a sudden, a space shuttle landed on the school yard. Fred had not seen anything like it. Then came out these alien things with weird things like things. The aliens left the ship and walked around the school. Fred then took a huge risk and went inside the shuttle. He never saw anything like it!! Buttons, computers, and even the iphone 25. Fred then saw something very, very weird, it was a wall, the had pealed off wall paper. Fred then ripped off the whole wall paper and saw words on it, not just words, dates, dates of what is going to happen in the future. He then saw the date of May 22, 2013 and read what will happen. Aliens will come into the school and invade it. Everyone, (especially Ms. Chetto) Will all be eaten and die. The end

    1. Gee thanks, Collin! I don't have much time to get my affairs in order, do I? lol

    2. There was another DQ like this that like 1 person did.

    3. Good one Collin!

    4. Interesting story, I like it.

  2. Well there was once this guy who was a geniuses and he made a book that was the key to all the worlds problems but he only made one. But for some reason he didn't want anyone to know so he decided to hid it in this wall. His plan was working great until this baby now the family knows all the secrets to the worlds problems and he can't stop them from telling everyone.

  3. One little boy once decided to eat the wall. He chewed on it for a while and noticed that there was a book behind it. He chewed a little more until his mom yelled at him. As his mom was yelling, she noticed that there was writing on the wall. She quickly tore off the rest of the wall, and started reading. The story was about a little boy who thought he could eat a wall. The story then explains that the house will collapse in 30 seconds. The little boy's mom grabbed him and ran out of the house. Sure enough, 30 seconds later the house collapsed. In the midst of all the dust stood a man. A man wearing a cape. He reached down and picked up a basket filled with gold. The milked up and handed the basket to the little boy. "You have freed me boy, I may now leave!" exclaimed the man. The boy happily stared at his gold as the man wearing the cape and robes walked away. The next day on the news the little boy's mom saw on the news that a UFO was spotted; people saw a flying man wearing a cape. The boy and his mother came back to their house, and to their surprise their house was back re-built. "interesting, very interesting." said the boy's mom. The little boy's dad soon returned from his work trip. "what did you guys do when I was gone?" asked the boy's dad. "Not much," the boy's mother answered. The boy's dad then walked around the corner of the house and stopped. There, the wall was gone, and was replaced with a big sheet of paper with a new story on it.

    1. Oops should be "walked up" in the middle of the story.

    2. Wait no it should be "man walked" in the middle of the story

  4. Ms. Chetto hated when her toddlers would chew on the walls, especially since they weren't really toddlers at all, they were 7th and 8th graders at Green Lake School. It seemed like the harder she tried to convince them to stop, the more determined they were to eat the classroom from the inside out. "Oh well," she sighed as she smeared guano paste onto Wyatt's favorite corner. "Wait a second, what's this?!" She exclaimed. There was a book typed on the underside of the wallpaper! She peeled back the rest of the corner, taking care not to touch the drool stains left by her students, and carefully removed the book. Its spine creaked softly as she slowly parted the covers. Each page contained the same sentence, printed once in the center of the page. "Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes." Tears filled her eyes as the meaning of the words sunk in. "True, so true," she smiled. "Now, I wonder which of my students have the coolest shoes?"

  5. Jesse James had his diary put into the wall so no one could find his gold. The little kid knew that there was something weird with the wall cause there was a strange bump that her parents never noticed. The mom just figured the wall was broke there and a piece of it was sticking out. Ever since they found the diary they have been in New Mexico looking for the treasure. Recently this year they found it and have been living the high life. They live in the Hills right by Bill Gates. The father drives a Bugatti Veyron, Mom got the most high-tech mini van that she could get. As for the child she has all the kids from Africa and Asia to play since her parents adopted about fifth-teen different children and had each one of them cloned just in case on dies. They have three dogs all German Sheperds, four cats, a pool size aquarium with all the exotic fish. They have their own zoo with Lions, Tigers and Bears, etc. Than the economy went bad and now their living in a cardboard box mansion behind Pick N Save. A tornado went through the city and they all died. THE END :)

  6. The text in the wall read, "You have started reading this, now you can't stop. If you stop there will be a creature that comes out of that door that you can't open and will kill everybody in the room that you are in. If you don't want this to happen you can sacrifice your dearest pet, the Chihuahua. This Chihuahua is the pet of the creature. Sacrifice it by placing the dog into the center of the door way, then close your eyes and chant Sacrifice, Sacrifice, Sacrifice, while on your knees and fanning it with your hands. Fallow these directions and you will be okay, don't and you will die. You have two hours." This was placed by the owners of the house prior to when Ms. Chetto owned it and was made just to scare her and her child...

    1. yikes!!! This explains so much of what happened in my house in Berlin!


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