Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Alex went to New York and tried to fly through the subway. As you can see, his plan went horribly wrong. What would have been a better way for Alex to accomplish his goal of being the biggest freak on the New York Transit system?


  1. Flying on a fire extinguisher?????? I got to admit, that would look a lot of fun, but think of the wipe out he had. It's like the fun you ever had in your life, but crashing horribly and not landing.
    Anyways, Alex, you could have jumped off the Empire state building, and could had a flight suit. It would be kind of crazy, but going to jail is worth it!! (Just Kidding by the way)
    When I did this DQ it was 75 words, I'm now going to change that to 100 words now. So I did that. Wait, I tried to make it 100 words again, and it said 98!!!!! But I just made it more than 100 words. (nerd)

    1. I like how you talked about not having enough words until you had enough words. Nice

    2. Too bad for Collin that I only count words that are relevant to the question, so in actuality, he does not have enough words.

  2. next time don't try to fly through a subway dude.

  3. I think he could have done it a lot better... In a scuba diving suit... Because the subways are flooded... So I think he should have just swam down the aisle to get to his destination quicker. But the reason I think he did this is because I was chasing him with a paper clip and he got scared so he grabbed the closest mode of personal transportation and off he went. I later caught up with him and stabbed him 37 times in the chest then ate his hands. But anyway, he should have just swam. Would have saved him a lot of time, pain, and suffering. That's it guys! Bye!

    1. I think I might have to try this.

    2. Very true Jake.

    3. He should wear a scuba suit, because the subways are always flooded!! hahahahah!

  4. Alex went to new York. He could have dressed up like a girl and went to a store and just say there and went to a shelf and started eating food off the shelf. Then when they say you can not do that you say ok. then walk away and go to a different part of the store like the camping and set up a tent and go inside and take a nap. If they come over and ask what you are doing you will act dumb and say will isn't that what you do in a tent. That is how you will get to be the weirdest person in New York.

  5. Alex. I really don't understand this but you are in need of help. Unless your get away from a lady or some random person. I really think you should not do this in public and you should at lest work on it at home first. WHY did you do this. I mean why in the world would you get on a fire extinguisher. I think you should jump on a ant before you get on a fire extinguisher. I mean it looks fun and I will try it sometime but not in public. I really hope you had to pee or something because you really dumb on the fire extinguisher. Anyway why was I not coming to New York with you in the first place . I mean I like good food and looking a copper thing.

    1. I don't know Joey I have been asking my self the same question.

  6. Alex, seriously, that is not the way to be the biggest freak in the New York Transit system. It was a good idea I must say though. It also looks like a lot of fun. If I was in your place, I would have worn some really funny clothes, and worn a jet pack. I would have flown around the whole subway, crashing into everyone! Man just saying it makes me excited. You could take a video of it and it would get like 1 billion views on Youtube! The jet pack might brake though, but you could bring back ups! Everyone would be amazed with your skill of flying in a subway with a jet pack. Hope you enjoyed the tip!

  7. Easy! Heres what you need, 56 galons of humus and a speedo. Okay so you get in the thong you cover yourself in the humus and when you get on the subway you start singing any random song you want then what you do you jump out the window of the subway get on a different one and do the exact same thing in all subways including the trollys. Now if that does not work I have a plan B. Plan B is you fight a kangaroo while wearing spider man pajamas. This will definetly get you to acomplish your dream.

  8. First of all that looked really fun. Without the wipe out I the end it wouldn't of been the experience that it was. I am proud of you. You only broke a few bones, several bruises, and a citizen knocked out. Good job. I think you could of accomplished your goals more by making yourself look like a girl while still maintaining your voice so when you were riding it, you could of yelled in a guys voice. Everyone would be like “ What the heck!!!”. You would of got yourself a lot of fame with that. It’s too bad you didn't.

  9. Well coming from a freak myself I could of done way better than this. ALEX YOU SUCK AT BEING AWESOME!!! First of all you gotta do it streak first than use the fire extinguisher. If you wanted it be even better you gotta get music than start dancing towards random people like your party boy and just keep going with it and creep the people out. People might tackle you or hurt you but oh well it was worth it YOLO B-) if the police get called RUN FORREST RUN!!!! Maybe you know make the show a bit worth it and get some laughs or have you and your friends do it so your not the only target for the cops and other people and rule #1 wear a mask they cant identify you if they don't know your face. Right there will be the way to fame and fortune on the internet and New York.

  10. All Alex would have had to do is set up a tent on one of the trains. Then you could make a fire and roast marshmallows and make s'mores for everybody. Then when you see people on the train you can sit really close to them and ask them weird questions. Then if you get kicked off the train you can try something else. You could drive a moped down the stairs into a station and on to a train. Then you can start YouTube videos about your adventures. Later in your first season you can kill and eat rats. These are all great opportunities but nutting will be easier than the fire extinguisher.

  11. Well he should've done it the right way and do it in a subway and not in the train. Also have safety gear to keep yourself from getting hurt. I would also have funny music, funny dances during flying through the air and try to hit but that would just be me.
    But try to make it real funny and very creative.Try to make people laugh instead of trying to hit or arrest you. THE END>


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