Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Write a pessimistic version of what the world will be like in 50 years. 


  1. computers will basically rule the whole world. Hardly anything will be fresh air because people will make their own air. I also believe that there will be hardly any grass, because it will be covered up in cement.
    I also think kids won't be that educated, because I think it's going to be smaller schools, or some really giant schools. But honestly, I don't really know what will happen in 50 years.

  2. I personally think that thins earth will get a lot worse. Right now we have a lot of problems that we need to fix until it gets any better. For example, earth has huge pollution problems and until we find out a way to switch everything to electric we are going to be up the creek with out a paddle. That is only one of the many problems we have right now so I think that earth is going to end up a over populated country. I also think that war is going to break out and destroy every thing its path.

  3. The world will get alot worse. A lot of people litter and make bad decisions about throwing things away. there are many people that dont care if the world gets worse or if it gets better. I hope that the world gets better and many people dont think think about it. I think that people should care more about weather it gose in recycle or garbage. There are many people that do not think about the next generation and could care less about what happens to the world. The world has to be clean or it may not go as long and die out before it would originaly

  4. In 50 years the sun wont shine the people wont smile. The world be like a Slender Man game. Every turn you take every action could cause you do be harmed or even become dead if you don't watch your back and at night carry a flash light and just like in Slender Man if your battery runs out you are surely going to die. The employment rate is at 1% and every year they had a celebration called The Herd. The Herd is when all crime is legal for 12 hours and they can't be charged with something they did on Herd Day.

    1. Owww that sounds bad

    2. I agree, that would be horrible.

    3. Yikes! Herd day does not sound fun at all!

  5. I don't want to believe this but I will say it. Fifty years from now the world will be in shambles. There will be danger around every corner. The robots that we trained to fight our wars will retaliate. We will be scared to leave our houses, because we are scared we will get shot. And among the rest there will be Zombies walking with the robots. Before the last of the living we were all in distress, there were bombs going off out our windows and everybody was being looted, ransacked and killed by the governments robots. We are tormented and we are scared...

  6. In fifty years from now the world will be in shambles. There will have been a giant nucueler war and everything will be radioactive and there will be no life. Everyone will be super poor and no one would have any money and we would all live in fear. Not to mention computers would control the world and the government. So no one would have any independence and life would just be horrible.

  7. Fifty years from now life on Earth will be terrible. Pollution and overpopulation will take over. Soon after, a huge war will start, destroying basically everything in the world. Most animals and humans on Earth will struggle to survive. Most of nature will be destroyed from the war, lowering the amounts of food for everyone. Even if anyone does find a lot of food, they will be fought by someone else. Living in this world will be terrible. There will be no more government, just people trying to survive. The towns will be deserted, with not any signs of life. Most people will just walk and walk in search for food. 50 years from now the world will be close to destroyed.


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