Thursday, May 9, 2013


Write a curse detailing what will happen to someone who dares to open this pirate treasure chest without permission! 


  1. If they open this chest. They will have someone follow them and creep on them till they give back the treasure. So be prepared to have someone haunt you.

  2. When you open the chest you wake up in a dark place and see people walking around in black and white clothes. All the people there try to get you to be like them by forcing you too. The way they force you is by holding you down and dressing you like them. The chest was cursed by a king who wanted everything to be like his country when he died so who ever opens the chest gets sucked into his kingdom while their bodies lay right where they opened it. Once opened the chest appears in a different place.

  3. When you open the chest it will be a very bad place. You will have to work as a slave. Then you have to try and get out of that place. When you get out you will be haunted for the rest of your life. If you open that chest you will have the worst life there is and the best part is you will have to be on a tv show and you will get scared and get haunted on that tv show. It will also haunt your family and friends. so do not open the door to the chest.

    1. That sonds scary, I doubt that chest will be getting opened.

  4. I am a Scientist that can do anything if I put my mind to it. Lately I just created a chest that has special powers that can curse people who ever opens it. The curse is a secret so don't tell anyone........ Alright so i'm going to tell you what it is. Inside the box is a creature that when you look into its eyes you freeze like no other and turn to stone. to be honest it's quite cute.

    1. Ummm, what does you being a scientist have to do with anything?

  5. The first thing that would happen after you open the chest would be that you would get attacked by ghouls, also know as zombies. The zombies would come in through every door and window so there is no escape. Then there will be a few weapons that appear on a podium that is about ten feet away. This is the start of the zombie apocalypse. The only way to stop the zombie apocalypse is to kill 300 zombies. Except there is only one other solution to this problem. You can choose to skip the zombie apocalypse and go to a Nickelback concert, which there are tickets on a podium three feet away. The choice is yours, if you don’t make it soon you will be eaten by the zombies that are slowly moving in...

    1. Wow I would not want to open that chest.

    2. Gave me chills. o_O

  6. I have made a chest, a chest filled with fear and filled with happiness. What happens when you open this chest? Without my permission, anyone who opens this chest will be cursed. This curse shrinks the person ten times smaller that they already are! With this curse you could be stepped on at any time. The only way to turn back to human is to ask me and see if I allow it. What happens if you open the chest with my permission? The chest will enchant you with 1 wish. You can choose what this wish is, but wish wisely. Basically this chest can either curse you or give you 1 wish of your choice. If the wish is a wish for more wishes you will be denied and lose your wish. Wish wisely!

  7. Nothing will happen at first it wont be a couple days till you start feeling sick and bad things start happening to you. The doctor wont know that it is serious because it has the same DNA looks as a cell that causes a common cold. On the 7th day you will wake up in a dark room with a flashlight but the big twister is that it is not just a regular bulb it is a black light bulb making your vision impaired to seeing the evil creatures that live below. The next day you will think it is but a dream but it wasn't in fact you are still in the dark room, but you are poisoned by the one and only Justin Bieber. He sang to you while you were in the pit and you are now in Bieber Land.

  8. Well day one most people get a high fever. But then the seconded day they will fell fine. Then the third day you get a super high fever that will almost kill you. Then day four your whole body will go numb then and you will fell no pain. Day five you will lose your hearing and vision.
    Day six your limbs will start to decay. Day seven all your limbs are now decaying. Day 8 decaying gets worse. Day nine decaying get even worse. Day ten all of your limbs will fall off but you will live.

  9. A giant curse will fall onto all of the people that o[pen the chest of doom. When the chest is opened, Justin Beiber music will come out and so will peto music. The chest will never, ever, ever, stop playing the music. The sound will go around the whole world, and drive everyone crazy! This then will start a apocalypse of....... well, I don't really know.


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