Thursday, November 8, 2012

First Memories

All of you were so eager to share your first memories in class, I figured it would be a great discussion question!! 

Describe the earliest memory you have of life. Write this in a NARRATIVE. 


  1. I remember when I was a kid when we had Christmas at my house and I got a tone of presents. I remember when I fell down the stair because I got a big Lego Airplane. It broke for the impact and I fell down the stair like it was a slide. I RAGED after that so I traded with my brother because he like my set better any way. I would be cool if i still had it but after tie the pieces started to just fly away but I saw them in my brothers room but he insisted that it was his. So I got this Lego sat and then raged and that is my story of my first memories.

    1. What do you mean when you say raged?

  2. Ah.....I remember my first good memory. I have a few other memories but I don't remember them extremely good. This is one of my memories that I can remember very well when I was like 5 or 6 years old. I really wanted to ride a bike like my siblings Emily, Max, and Abby. I told them to teach me how to ride a bike but I still wanted training wheels. They actually agreed to try and help me ride my bike. I mean, they didn't really show me HOW to ride my bike, but at least they got me a bike. Well, our driveway was REALLY long, and steep. Keep in mind that this is taking place in my house in Iowa.

    (switching to first person)

    Well, my siblings are actually going to help me ride my bike. Emily, Max, and Abby came back with my first bike! "I'm ready to ride!" I yell to them. I climb up onto the the bike on the driveway, and they suddenly push me. What!!!!!
    "I'm not ready!" I yell. It's too late. How am I going to stop this? I don't know where the brakes are. With no way to stop, I don't know what I'm going to do. Finally I just slam on the front brake on accident, which was a bad idea. Since I didn't hit the front brake, I fly over the handle bars and land face first the driveway. Yeah... Lots of pain. Well everyone, my first good memory is flying through the air and landing face first in the gravel driveway.

  3. My first memory was when I was 3 and it was a Christmas party. The basement door was open and I fell down the stairs.

  4. Also that baby looks so comfused

    1. I think you are the confused one. Comfused means like you are glued to the computer. Com= Computer, Fused=Glued.

  5. The first memory I had is when I was about 3 and I stuck my finger in a night light socket that had no bulb in it. I remember a big flash and then me screaming. I can't write 150 words about this so that about wraps it up.

    1. I never got electrocuted but my mom said I tried to stick a fork in the light socket.

    2. Hahaha, ouch. Whats up with kids wanting to stick there figures in light sockets and getting shocked?

    3. Little kids that is...I think.

  6. I do not know what my first memory is but it was either riding on my dog, Abby's, back when I was three. Or it was building a huge three foot tall tower with colorful blocks with my dad. It took us a couple of times but we finally got it to work, this was also when I was about three. My final, questioned memory was when I went trick or treating with my fellow three year-old classmates in my three year old preschool. We were walking down the main hallway and we had to knock on all the doors and the parents were on the other sides and the worst part was when the two parents of my best friend at the time were dressed up as clowns and when we got to their door the girl next to me screamed and started to cry. So ya one of my first memories was about a girl screaming in my ear.

    1. I think since you told more about building with your dad than you did about riding on your dog, it would be your first memory.

  7. I really don’t remember my first memory or even a lot when I still lived in Texas. I just remember bits and pieces. I don’t know if this was my first memory or not but I remember Christmas morning and when I first woke up my parents made me stay out of the living area because it would give it away. After breakfast we went into the living room and there were two bikes. One for me and one for beau. Sence it isn’t that hot in Texas we went outside in a t-shirt and shorts and rode around in my new bike. My bike had training wheels at the time but then after a while we took those off and I learned to ride with no training wheels.

    1. I only remember mine because it was a big event

  8. My first memory was when my family was at a water park hotel. My grandpa took me to the pool area. We got one of those floaty things that look like a turtles back. I fell off of it and neither my grandpa nor the lifeguard saw me right away and I was starting to drown. My grandpa noticed me and picked me up out of the water. We decided that it would be a good time to go to the smaller pool and play there for a while. We then went down some water slides and then got water guns to shoot at the people playing in the wave pool. Then we headed back to the room and got something to eat. After that we decided to go for one more quick swim so we went to the regular pool. Then we played some video games and won some prizes, and we also ran around and played on the jungle gym. After all of that we were pretty tired so we went back to the room and went to sleep.

    1. Yeah....I've had bad times almost drowning when I was little (I thought I could swim with no water wings in the deep end, things did not end well).

    2. Wow that must have ben really scary

  9. Like I said before my first memory when I was two I think I was with my dad and we were goining to go to the famous flee market in my hometown of princetion and it was a nice sunny day. So I was on my dads back in a little backpack holder for babies and we were almost there when all of the sudden the backpack broke and I was slowly falling to the ground and I hit hard and it hurt my head a lot and I had to go to the hospital and that was my very first memory.

  10. Ah, I remember like it was three 6 ago. I was so happy, so cheerful. Till it showed up as a birthday present. At the time I thought it was awesome till I was on the pavement crying while my family was laughing at me. But before I tell you that story I have to tell you this story. It was my birthday, I had woken up from feeling this wet sensation in my pants when I realized it was because I wet the bed. So I got up where my mom was standing there with a cake. Guess what happened next. I ate it. So after being anxious for 3 hours my family finally arrived. I will skip to the part to opening presents. My family told me to go outside so I did. There it was a battery powered crotch rocket. I was so excited so I hoped on it. My step dad told me how to use and before he was done with the instruction I took off down the drive way and strait into my grandmas car where I was crying and my family was laughing. In the end I was okay and there was a bug dent on my grandmas car.

  11. O e of my first memories is when I got my plastic gator truck, and drove it around on my gravel driveway. I also remember taking Nathan for rides on the driveway, and my Mom worrying about Nathan falling off! It's going to be pretty hard to make this a 150 word answer, but I'll go for it. Well p, anyways, there was another early memory, was when it was Christmas morning, and we look at the top of our tv, and there's this card board box, and we pul it out, and it turned out to be a Xbox original!!!! Today, we don't play it that much, because of our new xbox. But I like to play hunting games on it.


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