Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Commander Sanders

This is Commander Sanders, head of the CHETTO (Cosmic High Energy Transient Tesseract Orbitron) Space Mission.  Beneath his photo you will see the first entry in his Commander Log, which details the adventures he experienced while keeping the Earth safe from Space Invaders. Complete an entry in his log (this should be written in first person).

Commander Log Entry #1: Today was a most excellent and thrilling day, and our launch was quite successful. I am prepared to spend the next three years protecting the Earth from it's most dangerous enemy to date: Space Invaders. Mission Control has charged me with the honor of finding out how and why these invaders have chosen to target planet Earth, and by God, I WILL complete my mission! On another note, I have found that my crew is not fond of the rations I had specially ordered for this mission, which is insane, considering how delicious leaves and petals are. Something tells me these fools are not herbivores at all. No matter, more for me.


  1. Commander Log Entry #47: Today was a great loss. In the heat of battle, we lost Lt. John Flufferson. As the enemies ships kept dropping down and increasing their speed, we could not keep up. They had already disabled our shields and took out two of our other ships. One of which had the Lieutenant on board. Flufferson was a great man and sacrificed his life, flying directly into the enemies ship, taking out three, but was flanked by two more. It is not known for sure that he was killed though. He might still be floating out there, somewhere...

    To Be Continued...

  2. PS- I'm considering making this into a poster and hanging it in the Charter room.

    1. The charter room will look AWESOME.


    3. By the way Ms. Chetto, commanders are not as high of a rank as you might think it is. I mean, it's still an officer but he should have been an Admiral.

    4. I don't think NASA has Admirals..... pretty sure Commander is the highest title for an astronaut leading a mission. Look it up and find out!

  3. That is so weird. I don't understand how a sloth can go to space. but I guest bit by bit I guess.

  4. Commander Log Entry #48: Today was a great win. We found Lt. John Flufferson. Unfortunately he was dead. Just kidding! We found him floating around in space. He was almost dead, but we brought him to the hospital and saved him. Turns out he floated to Jupiter and ate the remains of his ship to save himself from starving. Good day so far. We have held back from the enemies after almost loosing one of our best commanders. Lt. John Flufferson was awarded one of the best medals you can get for flying straight into battle. The medal was called the SLOTH-SANDERS-WARRIOR. Anyone who charges straight into battle and survives is awarded this metal. Lt. Flufferson is back on his feet and leading our warriors into battle tomorrow. Today we will be holding a ceremony for Lt. Flufferson. For now, we shall sit back and relax.....the enemies are approaching, missiles coming our way!!!! To late....

    1. I heard the Lieutenant also got the Eat-Your-Own-Spaceship-Party Merit badge...

    2. Wow nice writing Bob. That must be a new medal?

  5. moon landing#: Height: 87,097,365 ft. Temp: 23f. Fuel level: low
    Enemies have been attacking our location. The aliens have been breaking the engines and we have been in trouble. But I got lucky, and the aliens got sucked into a wormhole.

    Finally!!! Landing height: 8 feet
    Landing in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, nope.

    1. Why no are they ever going to land if they are running low on fuel.

  6. Entry 50: I went to a small nebula yyyhyyhyhyyhy5yikhytoepjhit6. I'm now starting to go insane. Please get me out of space. I miss my wife Freda and my son Stephano. My dog tried to chase me and he caught up as soon is I got out the front door of the shuttle. Help!!!!!!!! : {( No that guy from down the street got here (Hi bob) nnnnnnnnnnooooooooooo.

  7. Replies
    1. I. WILL. FIND YOU... John Trollsen...

  8. UMMM By the way I think this picture is awesome and it should be in the school everywhere.

    #15 enter
    Today is a great day! I found a town on the moon with aliens that are very nice. It is really fun playing Xbox with all them. It is really fun playing the new game Black Ops 2 and Halo 4. The fun thing about it is that there is wi-fi everywhere. I hope I can live here. There is a really cool store her but it is a everything store. It has apple products and other really cool brands. I still think I will come home because I kinda home sick. It is really weird but I have to let you know that the only reason i'm not coming home is because my ship brock and all the pices are all over but the bad aprt is that I don't know what planet i'm on! Please Help me!

    GO TO (

    1. Cdr. Sanders has an Entry number #48. I don't think he went home.

  9. Commander sanders took me to the dark side of the moon with him so i didnt have time i was to be busy fighting for my life. If you have no idea read my blog. I will post it as soon as Ms Chetto gives me the OK se ya next time.


    2. Even better than Jake's "Wal-Mart Survival Guide"???

  10. Blog entry # 120

    We landed on the alien's mother ship. It was down, and they could not talk to any of their people. Due to the lack of communication, signals were sent and the rescue ships came to attempt a rescue of their mother ship. We had to fight over 300 aliens that attacked in several different ships. The battle was a good one and we have to hold our ground. They had weapons very similar to ours. They had swords and laser guns. In addition to the laser guns, we have a ROCKET LUANCHER 300. We can kill one little ship at a time with this gun. Since we only had 3, we ordered more rocket launchers to be made, so all we have to do is wait for them to get here. Then we can restart our fight again. In the mean time, while we were in the mother ship we deactivated the GPS so that the new incoming savior ships will have a hard time are finding us. We can plan an attack from plotted areas and come in to surprise them. We also activated the invisa-shield which will make the mother ship disappear from the radar of any other tracking devices. Everything is quiet now and I pray for a restful night. When our launchers arrive we will have a busy day.

  11. Commander Log number 50: I got my care package from my pal back on earth, Eugene. He said that he has finished his journey around the world! I also got my care package from my 5 year old brother, Jerry. He sent me a flash drive with Chicken Invaders the game. We also fought off the Omicronian species for now and their leader, Lrrr, has signed a peace treaty and given us one of their ships so we can upgrade our technology. I was also invited into their home planet and was allowed to take samples and catalog their planet, Omicron Persei 8. As far as I know, I will be able to come home for my nephews "Slothmitsfa". i have just been informed that I will be replaced by a rookie named Bruce. Hey look, I just got a text from my Officer..."If tou are doing your log, who is protecting the planet?!"

  12. Commander log number 56: They have got all our weapons and blew them up. I think we made a mistake of fighting these guys because i'm starting to think that these people only want people. their feeding us really well even though we are eating other kinds of space food. Its actually kind of interesting and i'm starting to like it a lot. Even better than our food. some of our people are even starting to teach the aliens how to play earth games and they are teaching how to play there games. They don't eat any mean and its all this weird kind of fruit of vegetable. well got to go I think there starting to wonder where I am.

  13. Commander log #123456789. Today was a successful day. Me and a alien crew have become friends. Me and this alien crew are plotting to destroy everything with the exception of aliens and sloths along with all animals. Me and the alien crew will be creating a new planet called The Sloth-star and yes, The is part of the planet name. After we go build this new planet we will mutate all animals to become stronger and the other survivals of the invaded planets will become slaves. These slaves will be treated nicely, not unfair. The slaves will work for us without pay or anything, but they will be treat just as if they weren't slaves. They will have better than decent meals for supper. Not only this they will have amazing luxury, of course not as good as mine though. We do this so they want to work for us. This is Commander Sander speaking to from a different planet and I am determined to make these plans happen. Thanks for listening, bye.


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