Tuesday, October 30, 2012

To Know or Not To Know

You are in a room with no distractions. The door is locked, the walls are white. There is one chair on which you sit. On the table in front of you is a piece of paper. You know on the reverse side of the paper is written the date you will eventually die. You are in the room for one hour only and can never return to it. Tell me if you would turn the paper over and read it and why/why not?


  1. I would turn it over. I mean, what's wrong with it? At least you can plan ahead for what you're going to do in the future. Won't it suck if you planned to go somewhere then you DIED?! That wouldn't be very fun, unless you plan where to die. Yes... Iv'e got the perfect plan. I'm going to die in a really fancy restaurant and order a steak. I would look at the precise time of death and take a bite out of the steak just seconds before death and make a huge scene about it. Thrashing around and screaming. That would be the best death ever... So yea. Id'e look at the paper and enjoy my last bite of juicy medium rare piece of steak. I really don't know what the restaurant I'm going to be eating at really is though. Maybe Olive Garden is something like that? Yea. That seams about right. Olive Garden. So yep. That's where I'm going to die.

    1. Wow what a dramatic death. Although I do like the olive garden death.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Well... I guess I would read it, because it would encourage myself to live a better life. Knowing this would have this in my brain forever. Just thinking I have this only amount of time on this earth. Also, when I read it, I wouldn't be afraid, because I know that's the day, I get to see God, and all of my relatives that were christains, and I will see them again, in Heaven.

  4. I would also plan where am I going to die. I would also want to know HOW I'm going to die. Maybe I could go on a roller coaster, when I'm like 90 and die on the roller coaster. The park would shut it down, and ruin many peoples lives. HAHAHA just kidding!!! I wouldn't do that!! I would probably go to a church, and pray, and die.

  5. Hm......that is a hard one. I would probably end up flipping it. I also am not sure though. If I were this age, 12, I would not want to know that would die in 14 years. NOT that I will, I mean, I wouldn't like living for 12 more years thinking that I will die in not that long. I also would be very tempted to flip it though. I would so badly want to know how long I would live for, but what if it would not be good news on the the other side? I would be so tempted to flip it, but so not wanting to either. But like I said first, I would probably end up flipping it in the end. How did I get into this room? Well, I'm not really sure. I would kind of like to know how long I would live, and what stuff I needed to get done before I passed away. If I were to live for not much longer, I would do all the cool stuff I have always wanted to do. I could go on a long vacation and then before I died I would donate a lot of my money to different hospitals and give the rest to my family. That way, I would know I did a lot of things in my life.

  6. Yes I would flip over the paper for a variety of reasons. First reason is to say good bye to my family let them know how much I care about them also so we could go out spend as much time with them as I could. Then I would live life to the fullest which includes with friends and family. These things include as traveling, rollercoasters you know things like that all with family and friends. The next day I would go to California and meet as many celebertys that I can. Last but not least drive a BM i8. It is an awesome car. Look it up on google images.

    1. That is a grate idea to spend as much time with your family as possible.

  7. This is a hard one. But It think I would turn over the paper because I will then know when I’m going to die. It the date is soon I would go out and do the things I always wanted to do. I would first go to Paris and bungee jump off the big tower. I think that would be fun but it would also make me sick to the gut. Whenever I go on fast rollercoaster’s my stomach starts to hurt. Even though it might of hurt it was still fun. I don’t k now if that ever happens to anyone but me, but I just get nervous but then after I got off I felt like I want to go on again. Sorry That went off topic a lot but I got carried away.

    1. Jumping off the Eiffel tower a bit extreme.

  8. If I was stuck in a room for an hour sitting by a piece of paper that tells me when I’m going to die I would not want to turn it over because then I would know when I was going to die. When that day comes you would just sit there in grief and sorrow. If I knew, I would do every thing I ever wanted and go to different states like Alaska. I would call every one in my family and all my friends and say goodbye. Then I would go to my house and watch TV our go to bed. I would then get up and go play with my dogs and take them for a walk. I would feed all my animals and then say good bye. Then I would go to the lake and take a 10 minute swim. I will then go back to my house and play with my animals more and go to sleep. Then when I am done, I would think, “Well, this is it”.

  9. No I would not I don't want to know. When I die that's not important. Live every day to the fullest.

  10. First of all i would have found a way out of that room in no time. Don't ask me how i just would. Well this is an easy one. I would definitely have to go with not looking at the other side. Because if you do then it is your for sure fate. But if you don't then you could out think or change your own death date. Now that would be really cool. Also somehow i don't think anyone or anything can predict the exact day hour month year and minute. If someone did that would be a true miracle unless they like knew the exact day they were going to murder someone. So yes if you were planning on defeating your death day you would agree with me. One quick thing what if you were going to die that exact hour that you were in the room of natural causes.

  11. I don't know what I would do cause who knows if you look at the paper there could be a car,train or a bus or who knows could come threw the wall and kill you.Or you never know you could just decide okay I'm going to look at this paper to see when im going to die and once you do the paper disintegrates or even you could just explode! But some of the good things if you do look at it and say it says your going to die at age 56 so you can do anything you want on that last year or if it gives you that day you can just do everything that day or the day before.You could go Robb a bank witch I think is pointless cause you won't be able to enjoy the money cause you will be dead wasteful. You could do your dream or something what ever that is. What I would do is just run out on the miller park baseball field but there is ton of other stuff. I would also go probably go out of the US and do something.So I'm asking the same question the disscussion question asked me Would you pick up the paper of your death clock or not?

  12. I do not know if I would flip it over. I would want to know if the paper had the way I will die or if it just has the date. If it just had the date I would probably not flip it over. But if it had the way and the date I would probably flip it over. Then I would do everything possible to avoid that. If it was going to choke on pizza I would not eat pizza. Any other way and I would basically not be able to stop it. Now after I have given it some thought I might not flip it over,because then I would pretty much think be paranoid for that entire day. Then again this could be a test and see when they put suicide on the paper then they person ends up committing suicide because they manipulated the person. I have decided to not flip the paper.


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