Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Legion Lemonade Pt 2

Ms. Chetto, who has dedicated her life to the education of young minds, narrowly escaped a diabolical death plot perpetrated by her students this weekend while she tried to enjoy a much-needed break at Green Lake's annual Harvest Fest celebrations. After spending her last cent on supplies for her classroom, she encountered three of her students lying in wait for her behind a stand swarming with bees. "Come buy some lemonade!!" Sneered Austin with an evil glint in his eye. "Yes Ms. Chetto," laughed Jake. "Buy some lemonade from us!" Poor Ms. Chetto is known for her intense fear and fatal reaction to bee stings, and her students were well versed in tormenting her.  "I was stung five times on my birthday this year," said Ms. Chetto sadly. "I'm lucky to have escaped with my life, so I knew returning to the lemonade stand could mean the end of me....but I just had to help my students' cause!" With a tear in her eye, she made her way to the ATM, stopping briefly to check out some awesome jewelry on the way. She was determined to help her students even though it more than likely meant that this day would be her last! But thankfully when she returned, her students had scampered off to plot against some other innocent teacher, and her life was spared. She celebrated by eating some deep fried cheese curds. 

Should she have bought the lemonade anyway? 
Why or why not??


  1. Yes I don't know why your asking again. It is like 25 cents and that's not much. Also the fact of everyone loves lemonaid.

    1. Jake and the LemonsOctober 2, 2012 at 6:52 PM

      1. It was 3 dollars
      2. It's spelled lemonade
      3. Anonymous, you are a terrible speller
      4. Apparently, Lexi, Claire, and Abby didn't like our lemonade.

      Sorry for being a Nazi for any hater out there.

  2. Ms. Chetto why didn't you buy from them they are so good in you class. They make airplanes and throw them. They don't turn in there homework. They scare you with spiders and bugs. Plus who wouldn't want to get stung by an million bees. OK you know that was a joke but ya, that was they old day's.

  3. Yes it was a good cause.We were working for the legen.so yes you should have bought some.by the way the bees were not bothering any one.so you were safe you would have been the first to get stung.

    1. I think that you still should have bought the lemonade. You should have bought it because it was still going to the same cause. Also when we were off plotting against another teacher that teacher would be Profe and Madame, over at the games. Plus the bees wouldn't have stung you if you didn't make them mad in the first place. Also you broke a promise.

    2. Oops! Don't pay attention to that wrong place

  4. Jake and the LemonsOctober 2, 2012 at 6:46 PM

    Yes Ms. Chetto, you must buy some lemonade if you want the anti-venom. Also we killed all the bees, The anti-venom was crushed moon rock which is pure poison and cost about 5k for 1.19 grams.Oh, and the jewelry guy... Yea, well he died from a um... a little radiation accident with his jewelry making... so... How about that lemonade! Well... What about... 50% off! No! Make it 75%! I go no lower. Theres no way a woman can resist 75% off sale. Ms. Chetto, i"m going to get you to swallow some of our lemonade if it's the la- No. No no no. Your going to drink it now. Your going to drink it and you will love it. I will let you in on a little secret here... The secret ingredient in our lemonade... You won't believe this. It's sugar. Thats why it's so good! Also, earlier i was typing something and spell check changed it to I go nom-lower? Is that really a word? Anyway... The conclusion is you should have bought some lemonade because the jewelry has now probably given you radiation sickness which will most likely will not be noticeable for another ten years where our lemonade... Would have just killed you instantly. No pain, no suffering. But you what really made me suffer? Watching you. Watching you touch all this dirty jewelry, and just walk away without any consideration of our lemonade stand. I will say no more and leave this on a negative note.

    1. Little did the students know....Ms. Chetto secretly crept up behind the stand and dropped one of the radioactive rings into the swirling vat of lemonade. (She made sure it was the jug the boys had stashed behind the stand for themselves, not the product for the customers). She hoped that by combining the radiation with the intense amount of sugar the boys had spiked their drinks with, it would equal out the chemical balance in their brains and return them to the sweet, good hearted angels she knew they were deep down. Unfortunately, by the time she got back, they were neglecting their posts and shooting golf balls into a pond instead!

    2. Nonsense. We never had lemonade for ourselves.

  5. I think that you still should have bought the lemonade. You should have bought it because it was still going to the same cause. Also when we were off plotting against another teacher that teacher would be Profe and Madame, over at the games. Plus the bees wouldn't have stung you if you didn't make them mad in the first place. Also you broke a promise.

    1. Bees have an unnatural hatred for me and sting me every chance they get, regardless of how sweet I am to them! They are evil.....which is why I had David shoot their hive down from the house with a pellet gun. :)

  6. I would defenetly not buy the lemonade. There's no excuse when you can. But if it's a life or death matter you just don't do it. In this case it was life or death. So if I was chetto I would say no way.


  7. I personally think that Jake's story is the best and we should just all quit now because we will die of depression after we compare jakes to ours. Any way I still have to do it, so her I go……. Ms chetto should bought our lemonade because it went to a good cause, but because she went off and found some deadly girl apparel. she couldn’t buy some lemonade because she spent all of her daily spending limit on some girl stuff. That money just went into his pocket and probably spent on some stupid stuff. If you would of gave it to the legion, we would of spent it well on stuff that we actually needed

    1. How silly of me to like "girl stuff." Whatever could I be thinking?! lol

  8. Of of I were ms. Chetto, I would have not bought any lemonade, because I would have got stung, and been in much pain

  9. Hm......this question could be viewed with different perspectives. The stand could easily be trapped with bee land mines.(Mines that explode with bees when stepped on) But then again, she promised she would buy them lemonade. And a promise is a promise. If I were in her place, I would have hired someone to toss some money over onto the table and buy some lemonade. If she would have boughten some lemonade, the students may forgive her and stop torturing her. They could then be friends and Ms. Chetto could buy all the lemonade that she wanted.

  10. Allergic to bee stings,I wouldn't go back to buy lemonade. We would have understood if u didn't come back. It probably worked out for the best that u didn't have the money right away. Would rather have skipped the glass of lemonade than get stung by a bee.

    1. Make sure you spell out words completely, Noah.


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