Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Best Halloween Costume Ever!

Out of all my years of dressing up for Halloween, my favorite has got to be the time I dressed as Marge Simpson. Tell me about the best costume you have ever had or ever seen, and why you think it was so cool. 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

To Know or Not To Know

You are in a room with no distractions. The door is locked, the walls are white. There is one chair on which you sit. On the table in front of you is a piece of paper. You know on the reverse side of the paper is written the date you will eventually die. You are in the room for one hour only and can never return to it. Tell me if you would turn the paper over and read it and why/why not?

Monday, October 29, 2012

Trading Places (or faces)

If you could trade places (or faces) with anyone you know for one day, who would it be and why?

Friday, October 26, 2012

Favorite Movie

My favorite movie is The Princess Bride :) 

 What is your all-time favorite movie and why? Write a paragraph
persuading readers to watch this film.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Future's so Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades

Imagine yourself in ten years (aged 23-24). 
What will you be doing? 
Where will you be living?

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Change the World

If you could change the world, 
what would you start with? 
Explain your choice. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Early Birds

The first three students that comment on this DQ may each write a discussion question for the rest of the class to answer. 

The early birds DO NOT have to answer the other questions.
(Unless they're cool and want to)

Monday, October 22, 2012

Friday, October 19, 2012

Cat Norris

Your beloved pet, Cat Norris, is in trouble again for bullying the neighborhood dogs. The police want to fine you for his actions since you are his responsible guardian. But if you pay that fine, you will have no money to buy Halo 4 when it comes out!! How will you convince the police not to fine you, and what are you going to do with that troublesome Cat Norris??

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Zombies Ahead!

You are in the car on your way to school when suddenly you see this sign. What do you do!!? (yes, I watched the Walking Dead last night).

Caution! Zombies Ahead!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


What is your most important possession? Why is it important to you, and do you think it would be valuable to anyone else??

Monday, October 15, 2012

Playstation or Test??

Your mom and dad see that you got a F on your homework and then you failed your test. How would you tell your parents if you forgot your homework and you just played PlayStation all day long? 

This is what your dad looked like when he checked your Skyward. 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Author

I have some disturbing news to relate. It seems our dear classmate, Jake, is not what he seems. We all believe him to be a 13 year old, innocent, studious, and well behaved young gentleman. But this is just not so!! In reality, he is a very young looking, short, 42 year old spy....code name: The Author!! He has infiltrated our school with a very clever disguise. What I can't figure out is......why??

What is Jake's mission....and how can we stop him?!  
(keep it clean and school appropriate, boys!)

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Everyone needs help sometimes.  Write a paragraph about a time you needed help and what happened 
when someone helped you.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Craziest Day Ever

TRUE STORY:  One of the craziest days of my life happened when I was a senior in high school. I was working at the Hollywood Cinema in Appleton, Wisconsin, when my sister ran in and told me that our neighborhood had been evacuated because a train had derailed nearby! She was supposed to tell me which hotel our family was staying at, but she forgot and just left. Keep in mind, I had no cell phone and no way to get in touch with my mom.

After my shift, I had no idea where to go, so I decided to just hang out with my friends. We went to a midnight showing of a movie, and afterwards ended up going to a small airplane hanger off of the Outagamie County Airport. My friend Mark, who was a few years older, worked there as a courier pilot. He took my friend Ben and I up in a four seater plane, did a few zero G's, and even let me man the controls of the plane! We then flew over my house to see if we could find the derailed train. 

I don't remember if we ever actually saw the train....and I never did find out which hotel my family was at (I ended up sleeping over at my friend Angie's house), but I will never forget how incredibly free I felt while we were flying that plane.

Describe one of the craziest days of your life.

Monday, October 8, 2012


You woke up this morning and realized that it's Halloween and you forgot to pick out a costume. If you don't dress up, Justin Bieber has sworn to make a personal appearance at your house and sing for you all day. Using only the items you currently have in your room, what are you going to be? 

The best costume gets to pick who Justin sings to at the end of the night.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Roadkill Pt. 2

Most of you expressed disgust when the idea of eating roadkill was brought up, but according to PETA, roadkill is a better choice from a health and ethics standpoint. It doesn’t contain antibiotics, hormones, and growth stimulants. It's the more humane option because the animals haven’t suffered through any of the horrors of intensive animal agriculture. In Alaska, people actually get on a waiting list to receive roadkill, and if it's not taken, the police give it to charities. Roadkill is fresh, organic, and free. 

Which is worse; eating pink goo at Mcdonald's, or eating a deer off the side of the road? 
Explain your answer.

**I am not advocating that anyone eat roadkill or suggesting that you try it, this is just "food" for thought.**

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Roadkill Cafe

This is a true story about a restaurant that was shut down for bringing a deer that had been killed by a car on the road into the kitchen of the restaurant.

Some people have said that the restaurant owners didn't do anything wrong because the deer meat is probably healthier than the meat that is sold in stores. 

What do you think?

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


This is the creepiest thing I have ever seen. Describe a time you encountered nightmare fuel of this level.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Legion Lemonade Pt 2

Ms. Chetto, who has dedicated her life to the education of young minds, narrowly escaped a diabolical death plot perpetrated by her students this weekend while she tried to enjoy a much-needed break at Green Lake's annual Harvest Fest celebrations. After spending her last cent on supplies for her classroom, she encountered three of her students lying in wait for her behind a stand swarming with bees. "Come buy some lemonade!!" Sneered Austin with an evil glint in his eye. "Yes Ms. Chetto," laughed Jake. "Buy some lemonade from us!" Poor Ms. Chetto is known for her intense fear and fatal reaction to bee stings, and her students were well versed in tormenting her.  "I was stung five times on my birthday this year," said Ms. Chetto sadly. "I'm lucky to have escaped with my life, so I knew returning to the lemonade stand could mean the end of me....but I just had to help my students' cause!" With a tear in her eye, she made her way to the ATM, stopping briefly to check out some awesome jewelry on the way. She was determined to help her students even though it more than likely meant that this day would be her last! But thankfully when she returned, her students had scampered off to plot against some other innocent teacher, and her life was spared. She celebrated by eating some deep fried cheese curds. 

Should she have bought the lemonade anyway? 
Why or why not??

Monday, October 1, 2012

Legion Lemonade

Ms. Chetto went to Harvest Fest this weekend and no cash to buy lemonade from the Legion. This would not normally have been an issue, but she promised several of her students that were working behind the stand she would return and buy a glass from them. When she returned, her students were not there, so she did not buy any lemonade. 

Should she have bought the lemonade anyway?? Why or why not?