Ms. Chetto is considering lowering the DQ requirement to 100 words.
Is this a good idea?
Writing 150 words is a great way to practice and has already shown her that your writing has improved by leaps and bounds since the requirement went into effect. She will need some pretty good reasons to lower the requirement.........Write Ms. Chetto a note and help her decide what she should do.
Yes it's a good idea. it is very hard to find 150 words for each DQ so we right random stuff and we don't know what to write.
ReplyDeleteThats not true!!
DeleteMs. Chetto, I think it would be a great idea to down the DQ to 100 words. I am not saying this just because I want to do less work though. I bet a lot of time students will still post more that 100 words. Lowering it down to 100 words will more likely let the students feel less like they have to do this many words, which can actually make them be less creative. Saying this, I mean with 150 word DQ's, students may feel like they have to throw in random things that they don't even want to say, causing them to be less creative, and more of, I am going to type more unneeded things just so that I can get a 100% on my DQ. With 100 words, students will feel more like, okay, I don't need AS many words as before, so I can be a little more creative and not have to worry about getting a 100% on this DQ. It's not like 100 words is basically making the DQ so short that we only have like 1 or 2 sentences. 100 words is still plenty enough to have students think and be creative with the DQ. Just remember guys, it can still be more than 100 words!
DeleteBy the way I posted up here so that Ms. Chetto could read mine because you have to scroll down a ways to see the comments. So many pictures! (you guys are good!)
DeleteBob does have a good point.
UMMM HELLO!!! Ms. Chetto, you took my recomendation!!! thanks :)
Why... Do I even try... You guys write like one sentence.
DeleteI think that you should lower the requirements. One-hundred words is still a lot of words to type out every day. We could still say just as much about whatever we're writing about in 100. Just a bit more simplified. It's not like 150 words was too much, it's that sometimes I just couldn't think of all that much to write about. At time's and other topics, 150 words was too much. There just wasn't enough there to write about. Like write 150 words about your favorite color. Ok, I like green just because. Your turn! No, you really cant write that much about something as little as what is your favorite color. That one question is usually just a one word answer. Something you could write a lot would be like what did you do over spring break. Most people happy to write about those kinds of topics and all the ideas will just flow. It's easy to write a lot about something when you enjoy writing it and you know exactly what you are going to write. But some of the DQ's are a bit harder to write about. The DQ's that really make you think. For some people using their imagination is easier than using references from things that actually happened to you. It's easier for me to just make things up since there are no boundaries separating everything from reality. No one to say, that never happened! So to bring this to a conclusion, yea, I think you should bring it down to 100 words to make it a little easier on some people that sometimes cant get a good idea in there head. Thanks!
very nice work.
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Your to good..
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Good one
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Mess up...
DeleteWhat is this supposed to be?
Deleteum....I am not sure
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI think that Ms. Chetto should lower the DQ requirements to 100 words because all of us have improved a lot. We have been doing these discussion questions for a very long time. We have become better writers. There are some discussion questions that are easy to get 150 words and some that are very hard to get even 100 words on. The discussion questions are ok, but, I don't think that they should be every night. We are very good writers and need a break some times. There are a lot of things to write about. There a lot of things that we need to write about. Then there should be some that are easier and are not as hard to right about. That is why I think that we should have 100 words instead of 150 words, and it would make some of them easier to write about.
ReplyDeleteYou make some valid points.....but the purpose of these DQ's is to get you to think outside of the box. If they were all easy, they would be pointless. I like making you think about crazy situations because that is what exercises your brain. :)
DeleteI think we should change the discussion question from 150 to 100 words. It is a very good thing that we do this. I think we can put it down to 100 because it is sometime really easy and sometimes really hard to do. A really easy one is the one where the guy starts his beard on fire and his jaw comes down. A good example for this topic is the Nightjohn essay. It didn't have to have over a Sutton amount. It was what you think you need and how long it should be. Everyone turned it in on time and so did I. I don't think you be able to use a Bob sanders pass on this anymore. I think we should get 3 free discussion questions a quarter. This is what we get in french too. I really hope that we can change this for 150 to 100 words. I hope everyone turns in and everyone get along.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I'm thinking the Bob Sander's pass once a week is too much as well. And I did like how much work you all put into your Nightjohn Essays.....
Delete• ˚ •˛•˚ * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
ReplyDelete• ˚Happy★* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★Holidays!★ 。* • ˚。
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This one is pretty good hey
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This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete.......You cpoy and pasted...
Delete▀ ▄▄ ▄███▄
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STOP!!! This has gone way too far!
I know!!! Everyone is just copy and pasting!!
ReplyDeleteFirst order of business is great idea Ms Chetto and Collin tips to both of you. Well there are tons of reasons but what it mostly boils down to is just like Jake said some DQ just flow out but some are really brain jerker’s and do not flow at all like I sparkle so on most DQs like that I will generally take a bob sanders pass but sometimes you don't want to and you can't so a lower in the words would make those hard DQ incredible easier you might think only 50 words off that’s not a lot but truly to the writers it is a lot and that would be amazing if the word count would be lowered. Also I am almost positive if you lower the amount of words we have to do I bet the number of BOB SANDERS passes will decrease dramatically because it will be a lot easier to do the hard and challenging DQS so people will be happier to do them. Not to mention people will probably stop using bob sanders passes to if the words decrease because it will take less time so say someone forgets to do their DQ then they can do it in a class pretty quick and fast instead of having to use a bob pass.
I agree, the Bob Sanders passes will go down.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete_________________________ It's a worm...
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI'm Watching You!
& # 131;& # 242;_& # 243;& # 131;
DeleteCodes Right Here! Proof From Scratch!
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*Pew Pew
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Miss Chetto these sixty two comments really prove that this needs to happen. When this happens you will be promised amazing writing and so much more. Chetto I am talking millions trillions of no not money but amazing writing and very thankful children who will write better than ever before. Although this will have a down side for children the the grade wont be out of ten it will be out of 7. This means one mistake will be a c+ so it is pretty much a win for the teachers but we will feel like there is less work because less words but it actually more work for us to spell check and do a review.
ReplyDeleteThey would still be worth 10 points, I would just adjust the rubric. One mistake would still get you an A. :)
DeleteI think that you should let us do a hundred words cuase it would be faster and easier and probably less time consuming if it gets to the last two minutes. Then we would be able to get better grades in classes and more time to talk and play games and watch videos. :)
ReplyDeleteThere are a lot of things that that I believe to be a wast of time and I personally think that the DQ's. we have proved that we can write really good and from there I think that we should bump the number back down to 100 because it takes up less time and we have already proved our self's as I said already. With this I think that we should move the number back down to 100. When I first wrote DQ's they were not the best and sense I stated working hard i got better and not I think we need a break from this for a while.
ReplyDeleteThese are wonderful and valuable statements. I have to agree with everybody. You should lower the word quantity to 100 words. One hundred words would be a treat. We could then spend more time on other homework and extra-credit work, then people could be more productive and get better grades. Which would lead to better GPAs and be happier. Most of us can agree and say that we have gotten much better, from five sentences to over one hundred fifty words. Also some of the Discussion Questions take a lot of thought and others take few and they turn into blog entries. This would be much appreciated, and if you do change the word requirement most of us will still write more than 100 and even almost 150. In conclusion we all hope that you decrease the word amount and give us a little break. Thank you for your time and I hope that you reduce it.