Monday, March 4, 2013

This is Sparta!!!

Through a strange set of circumstances, you are being forced to spend the rest of your life as a 
Spartan, Viking, Knight or Roman. 

Which do you choose? Why? What will your life be like? What's daily life like? Would you enjoy it?


  1. Can I be a gladiator?

  2. I would have to choose a knight, because you get to wear all of that awesome armor and I would have an awesome life. Because you get to eat all you want, you get the best swords, your famous, and you get the pretty princess. My daily life would be fire, blood, gore, women, kings, awesomeness, dragons, castles, armor, food, swords, and bricks. I don't know why, but I just know something about bricks.

  3. THIS IS SPARTA! Why wouldn't you choose Spartan, theyre known for being brave and being the greatest warrior to ever live. They held the Persian army that out numbered them 10,000 to 300 for days and killed more men than the amount of men they had. The childhood sucked you were beaten and tested everyday of your life since seven years old. Being a soldier would suck because you have to come back alive or come back on you shield dead. The government is mainly formed for a strong military and not much of politics but I still wanna be a Spartan.

  4. I would be a viking because they have ships and they are strong. They where lots of armor and have really big hammers like Thor. They can get from place to place really quick. It helps them stay alive. A normal day would be sailing around in the ocean. A day that is fun would be fighting people when they are not ready to fight. They have catapults too. If someone attacked them they would be ready.

  5. I would be a viking because they are a little more hightec they have ships and bows they can travle faster and have more people in groups to talk to and you will be safer. I think that they are cooler and stronger than meany other people are they can knock you out with one punch.there boats are huge and very clean. They have many cool things for wars like spears, swords, shields,and bows. they have like workouts and have fights to practice wars so that they are ready if they have to go to war. they hire just about any one that is stronge

  6. I I had to choose one I think it would be the Vikings because they seem like really cool people and they wear really cool hats that have bulls horn on then or something. They also take control of cities and towns. They mostly live on boats which is really good because I love boats. And I can swim very well if the boat capsizes. They are from a really long time ago and they just seem like really fun people to be around. I have also seen movies about them and I want to see for myself if the movies are true.

    1. Vikings our pretty popular in this class.

  7. I choose to be Roman. If I was Roman I would be a chariot racer. I would be a chariot racer because they were treated like rock stars. I would live in my own house and not those house things where the fortunate lived on the bottom and then less fortunate on up. Even though the sport is dangerous it still looks really fun. I would eat the finest grapes and drink only the finest wines. I would live just under the priests and rulers. If I couldn't be a chariot racer I would be a Roman God. I would probably be Jupiter, the King of the Gods. Since I was the King of the Gods I would be able to make all of the other Gods and Goddesses like Plutus give me stuff. But with great power comes great responsibility.

  8. I would have to go with a roman. I really have no idea why I chose this one because the Romans were treated like the worst out of all of those. But I guess I chose them because the Romans were very powerful,rich, and smart for a very long time. Also I chose them because then I could also say, "this is Sparta'. I don't know why but I guess that would be kind of fun.
    What a normal day would be like. Well a normal day would probably suck and probably start of by putting on some really heavy amour early in the morning and doing a lot of hard drills. Then It would probably be drills and work the rest of the day. Kind of like slaves.

  9. I would like to be a knight. Being a knight, I would get to have lots of cool swords, awesome armor, and other things like catapults. All of the options sound like fun, but I think being a knight would be the most fun. Life would be a lot of training to fight, and a lot of fighting. Would I like this. Well it may get a little boring and hard, and I wouldn't really like fighting in real life because I could easy get killed. So basically, I wouldn't really enjoy it much, but it would still be fun for a little bit.

    1. You do realize that the Romans had everything in the first sentence also...

  10. I am a Roman Gladiator, my name is Glutious Maximous. I am a father of 1 boy and a husband. I was the great general of the first Cesar till his son assassination him then tried to kill me. He did not of course but he did kill my family he torched them and hung them. But when that was happening I was a prisoner not just any prisoner, I was a gladiator. I started off small in the ring and made my way up to the top. The Roman Emperor got jealous that I almost fought my way to freedom so he tried to kill me by facing me in the ring. But as always I won and lived happily ever after.


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